Ways to make each day amazing
It's common for us to search for ways to make our days better. The solution doesn't always need to be too complicated. Some slight changes to our day to day routine can make all the difference! Here are 10 simple, practical tips to make each day amazing.
1. Create a morning routine
Our morning routine is the series of activities we do after getting out of bed in the morning. It can play a big role in setting the tone for the rest of our day. If we have a calm and relaxing start in the morning, then there's a better chance that's how the rest of our day will unfold. Likewise if we have a hectic start to our day. What's great about this tip is that we can fill our routine with whichever activities we feel are the most meaningful to us. Here are some ideas:
- Enjoy a warm beverage
- Read a few pages of a book
- Go for a light walk
- Try some light stretching or yoga
- Do some breathing exercises
- Journal
- Make and enjoy a wholesome breakfast
- Play some enjoyable music
Feel free to pick and choose a few activities from this article to create a morning routine. We've also got a free printable healthy morning checklist for my inspiration!
2. Pick up journaling
Pouring down our stream of consciousness by writing words on paper can have several benefits. It reduces stress by allowing us to let go of our thoughts and let them spill onto the page. Journalling also helps us to direct our focus to the present moment and to clarify our thoughts and feelings through self-reflection.
3. Focus on connection
Especially when we feel overwhelmed, we can become so wrapped up in our own to-dos or concerns that we forget to stay connected to our surroundings. We withdraw from other people, from nature, from things outside of our little "bubble".
When we begin to pay attention to our surroundings, we might notice that there’s a lot going on in our world worth noticing and appreciating. A stranger holding the door open for us. The smell of the air after a fresh rainfall. A friend sending a message to connect. Birds chirping outside the window.
We're social beings, so it's natural that feeling connected to other people, to animals, and to nature, is critical to our happiness.
4. Practice gratitude
Writing down a list of gratitudes can change something in us. Taking a couple of minutes each day to appreciate the little things can go a long way in helping to boost our mood. When we know we've committed to write down three things that we're grateful for each day, we start actively looking for things to be grateful for. In this search, we find more than we intended. That's the beauty of this practice.
For some extra support or motivation for practising gratitude see our printable gratitude template. When coming up with our gratitudes, we could also say them out loud or leave a section in our journal to write them down. Experimenting with both is a great way to see what works best for us individually!
5. Meditate
This might feel strange or uncomfortable at first, but meditating is a great way to help us become more mindful and aware of the present moment. It can be as short or long as we'd like, and oftentimes, just 5 minutes a day can go a long way.
A 5 senses mindfulness exercise is a nice place to start for those of us new to meditating. Start by taking a deep breath, and simply notice:
- 5 things that we can see
- 4 things that we can feel
- 3 things that we can hear
- 2 things that we can smell
- 1 thing that we can taste
Remember, the key is to observe and acknowledge, nothing more. This exercise might be difficult to get a hang of at first, but with practice, it'll get easier and easier. Feel free to try out other mindfulness exercises when ready and pick a few that are enjoyed most!

6. Engage in exercise
Enjoying physical movement can work wonders. Physical activity stimulates our brain to release certain chemicals, helping us feel more relaxed and at ease. Intense cardio or strength-training workouts would do if that's what we enjoy. If intense workouts aren't enjoyed, a 10-minute walk in the park or lighter exercises, such as yoga or stretching, will do the trick.
7. Single-task instead of multitasking
This tip is really helpful if we're feeling exhausted from a hectic, fast-paced lifestyle. Although single-tasking may sound like it's less productive than multi-tasking, there are many benefits of focusing on one thing at a time. When we're always loaded with lots of tasks, getting one task done at a time may help us stay focused and organized. As a result, this can reduce our overall stress. Contrary to popular belief, it can also increase productivity by eliminating the frequent starting and stopping of tasks. It may not be possible to single-task all the time, but whenever possible, we can try to choose single-tasking over multitasking.
8. Try or learn something new
Many of our greatest moments in life are linked to a new experience of some sort. Trying something new can be exciting. It gives us the opportunity to solely focus on ourselves and what we’re experiencing in the present moment. The possibilities are endless. Some ideas could be pottery, photography, rock-climbing, dance, or a language. If we're eager to find a new topic, idea or perspective to explore, podcasts and audiobooks are a great place to start. Some inspiration may be found in our list of PUL favourite books.
9. Spend time with loved ones
Whether it be watching a movie or sharing a meal together, spending time to reconnect with those who we love and care about can have several benefits:
- strengthens relationship: by engaging in face-to-face interaction
- increases the sense of mutual need: by sharing our love with others and feeling loved in return
- reduces stress: by sharing smiles and memories
10. Schedule some me-time
After making time for family and friends, let’s not forget about ourselves! This could be anything that we do to help us unwind and feel refreshed after a long day. Whether it be a bubble bath, a cup of tea, reading, or playing some music, be sure to take some time to do whatever is enjoyed.
Trying some of these 10 ideas in our daily routine can help make every day a wonderful one. It's perfectly okay to experience bad days, though. After all, without the tough ones, it's hard to appreciate the amazing ones. Feel free to modify and incorporate these tips as desired to help turn any day into an amazing one!
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This is excellent Sadia! Thanks for the well constructed guide and good luck you both and to the PUL team..🍀Lots of love from Sri Lanka...♥️ 🇱🇰
Hi Sadia, I started following your channel from 2019 but since the lockdown of 2020, I felt more connected to it as i started reflecting on myself and my core and started focusing more on having a morning routine, journaling and meditation. I love your videos , they are so helpful !! I admire the recipes you share . The videos on your channel are created with so much effort, genuine knowledge and the recipe videos are SO aesthetically pleasing! Keep up the good work ! Huge fan of the content ❤️ Loads of love from 🇮🇳 😊
what's the webiste you mentioned in one of your videos for consultation in mental health?
Hey Sadia, I have been following you for almost 3 years now and I love your content so much. Your voice is so calming. Please put more Tea time Tuesday videos. Those videos are really value adding.
I've started my M.Sc. in Food and Nutrition. I would very much appreciate it if you can make a video on how you used to study for that degree or your suggestions related to studies. Sending you and Robin lots of love from India.
ive bin a subee from YT world. it’s so satisfying to watch your content it encouraged me to live life mindfully, wholesome & very satisfying. now am here a subee of PUL newsletter. u are an inspo Sadia and team. much love from philippines 🧡
Thank you - this is so mindful and well written. I also really like how well thought and well paced the tips are. You are an inspiration Sadia.
I've been following you for about 3 years now, and I watch every one of your videos as soon as they come out. You have inspired me to cook more and healthier. I have made so many of your recipes and I can honestly say that my husband and I are never disappointed. Thank you so much for the beautiful videos you make and all the great healthy food you make. Also, Congratulations on your engagement! I can't wait to see pictures or videos of your wedding ;) .
Please continue sharing with us your wisdom of healthy food with us! Sending you lots of love and many more successes this 2022!
Thanks Sadia for this beautiful website and your videos - they're my happy place. In my faith we put strong emphasis on Ahimsa (love for all beings) and it's beautiful to see you practicing it in everything you do. This may sound crazy but and I'm possibly a couple years elder but I feel we're so alike in our thoughts and intentions. Sending lot of love and blessings.
I remember the year 2018, first few months of it were bleak, I was signed off with severe anxiety and depression and one day, while sitting at home and snuggling up with my dog, I was browsing YouTube and stumbled upon Pick Up Limes. Sadia immediately brightened my day, from first few sentences of the video till the very end I felt like someone understands me and speaks directly to me, encourages me and tells me "Hey, you got this, you really do. Come, we can do this together!" I binged her videos, watched some over and over, decided to take Pick Up Limes on walks with me via my phone, followed the practical advice, recipes, and to cut this long story a wee bit shorter, it is now 2021 and I am out of depression, have a great job (for last 2.5 years anyway), workout, eat well, meditate, sleep well and I'm happily married and engaged in my community. I believe this is in huge part thanks to Pick Up Limes and Sadia mainly. The calmness and kindness you project to the world has helped me immensely and I thank you for it. I am wishing you much much success in your endeavors and nothing but pure happiness.
Love to see so much of positivity n optimism on ur channel !!^_^!! It gives me a gr8 pleasure to enjoy ur vegan recipes all around the year ..I am so thankful to u for your creativity n all the vibes I get through your blog..Always keep smiling & keep spreading joys via food..❤️❤️
I love these tips and I look forward to using them in my day to day life!
I think you are the one who accurately explain my(teenagers) problem and give solutions to all..... Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart... ❤
HAHA I thought you last tip was to order "takeaway"... I was like yeah i do that too on a good day :)
Loved the article! And thank you for putting out such amazing articles and videos!
Hey, PUL, I’m from India, and I extremely love your channel, and I also loved this article, I’ve been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and ever since then I’ve been finding ways to deal with the condition by making changes in terms of how I take care of my mental and physical health. I have made a lot of changes considering my diet, my sleep, my mental health and my overall well-being, and each day I’m trying to study more and more about my condition and what works best for me, I’ve been preparing quite a few recipes that I found on your channel And I find them extremely helpful. I find all of your recipes to amazingly healthy and most of things posted in this particular article, is now a part of my life and I cannot begin to explain how journaling and mediation changed my life. I personally would recommend journaling and yoga/mediation to almost all who need help. My perspective on life has changed a lot, and I have begun to appreciate myself a lot more than I usually would. I’m so grateful to have found this channel and I know that you guys are extending a helping hand to those in need. Keep up with the good work. Lots of love.
I lobed reading this, it gave me a peaceful mind.
I heard if some is not in reading, there are podcasts that could help a lot and its a meTime too. What amazed me most was 5min hypnosis podcasts. There you train positive thinking about yourself.
Especially wonderful I thought was the picture of the cake. Because everyone was so over not crackled cheesecakes and how its not professional to blog them before some years. I appreciated it that in this soecial article was a photo of a crackled, yet still made looking beaut Hi iful and delicious like a cake should be, that I felt was a perfect fit for this article. Because noone is perfect, but yet we still could be proud and loving about ourselves and make us the most beautiful inside and outside to make us shine like we should be. Thank you for that
After reading this I think I am definitely going to have an amazing day today . I enjoyed reading this a lot. ❤️
Hello! I’d love to try the recipe for that berry roll you have pictured above. Where can I find it?
Hello, i from India and i love Pickup Limes. I love watching your videos it gives new ideas to follow ,also motivates and encouragse me to go to a new world of nature.Keep motivating us like this. Looking forward for some more videos on "How to be eco-friendly?"
I really enjoyed reading and this motivated me to plan things properly by journaling and enjoying little moments.
Thank you pick up limes for motivating me always and inspiring me with your minimal lifestyle.